Booking a Court
The link below will take you to the ClubSpark booking page.
Once there sign in with your LTA username/email address and password. This will be your login from when you renewed your membership last year, or when you joined if more recently.
If you are a member but do not have a login PLEASE do not create a new one. Notify us at and we will contact you to resolve the issue probably by sending you an “Invitation” to register, to which you should respond.
Once on the Log-in page sign-in (the link is usually at the top righthand of the page depending on your device) in the manner you originally signed-in (by using your email and password if you registered through the ClubSpark Membership module) or via LTA or Google or other options.
From November 2021 all members using email or social media accounts to login must set up and use a LTA account. To change to an LTA account, watch this video:
Booking by family members:
The main contact of a family memberships will be able to book both for themselves and each individual member of their family group (including young members) identified in their membership profile
They will be able to do this by selecting the group member from the drop-down menu in their profile. If adult individual member(s) in the family group wish to make their own court bookings then please email membership at Wolverley with the name of the person concerned. This must match an existing entry in the family membership, add them if necessary, before contacting us. We will then send an invitation to them to register and they must then reply to that invitation. If we do not have an email address for that person all correspondence will be sent to the main contact. (Young members cannot book courts themselves).
For additional help go to:
Initially court booking will operate under the following rules. They are designed to prevent overbooking and provide flexibility for all members. They will be reviewed following feedback and analysis of court usage. Please send feedback to or talk to a committee member.
WTC Court Booking Rules
Maximum booking period 2 hours; add 15 minutes to the beginning of your period to allow previous players to leave the court. The maximum session time will therefore be 2hrs 15min. Players will then have 15 minutes at the end of their booked time to leave and avoid congestion at the entrance.
If a court has not been booked at the time your slot finishes you may book in 1 hour additional slots. This is to ensure other members have the opportunity to play at short notice.
The maximum time you may book in advance is 7 days, this to ensure specific slots are not constantly rebooked thus constantly blocking other members from playing at a specific time.
The maximum number of sessions that a member can book on a specific day is 7
Annual Membership Subscriptions until 31st March 2025
Adult (18+) £70 pa
Students (19-25 in full-time education) £30 pa
Junior(12-17) £30 pa
Child (1-11) £10 pa
Family £90 pa (Two Adults including Children under 12yrs in the same family)
Match only, £30 pa (no key)
Walking Tennis, £30 pa (no key)
New members will be charged £10 in addition to the above rates comprising of New membership joining fee (£5) and New membership key deposit (£5)
Member’s Guest £2 per session; maximum 4 sessions per year
How to Join
To join Wolverley Tennis Club please go to and follow the on line instructions.
For additional help email
How to find us
Club Address:
Wolverley Tennis Club
Shatterford Lane,
DY11 5TN
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