Members Handbook

2.1 Committee
2.2 Communication
3.1 General Etiquette and Ground Rules
3.2 Smoking
3.3 Safety and Hygiene
3.4 Security and Valuables
4.1 Footwear
4.2 Clothing
5.1 Courts
5.2 Floodlights
5.3 Club-hut
5.4 Parking
6.1 Categories
6.2 Subscriptions
7.1 Responsibility
7.2 Guest Fees
7.3 Visitor Frequency
8.1 Club Sessions
10.1 Teams
10.2 Tournaments


The purpose of this handbook is to inform members of the facilities available at Wolverley Lawn Tennis Club and to set out the rules and regulations of the club.

The courts were constructed in 1952. It is a community tennis club with two shale courts, serving Wolverley, Cookley and North Kidderminster.

We welcome you to Wolverley Lawn Tennis Club and hope that you enjoy your tennis and become an active member of the club.

Wolverley Tennis Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all its members. The club believes that it is important that members, coaches and families associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns they may have about any aspect of the club with a committee member.


2.1 Committee

The club is run by an elected committee of volunteer members who look after the administration and activities of the club.

A list of committee members can be found on the club notice board.
The committee normally meets bi monthly, with a minimum of 4 times per year

2.2 Communication

All members play an important part in making the club successful and maintaining club standards.

All members are responsible for ensuring personal information is kept up to date including emergency contact details.

The committee welcome constructive feedback and comments. Please speak to any committee member if you have any comments, compliments or complaints, they will ensure that your views are brought to the attention of the committee or formally write to the Club Secretary

We have a website and Facebook Page


Adherence to our code of behaviour by members and their guests is an important factor in maintaining the reputation of the club.

It is members responsibility to carry out a risk assessment prior to playing in adverse weather conditions when the court surface may be slippery.

It is the players responsibility to move loose balls from the court during play.

It is the responsibility of each member to take care of the Club’s facilities and to take appropriate action if others are not doing so. A committee member should be informed of any concerns.

Junior members are not allowed in the clubhouse without an Adult member present .

The committee has the power to suspend or withdraw membership from any individual who may be damaging the reputation of the club or whose behaviour is having an adverse effect on the club.

Visitors may be asked leave the premises and may be banned from future visits if they do not observe the code of practice expected by members.

Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an appropriate member at all times unless they are under the supervision of an approved coach.

3.1 General Etiquette and Ground Rules

Always respect players who are on court. Wait until a rally has finished and you are invited to cross behind the court or to retrieve balls.

All members must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of age, gender, ability, race, cultural background, religious beliefs or sexual identity.
Never jump over the net or lean against/pull on the side fencing.
Be considerate when returning balls to your opponent.
Never take bicycles, scooters, skateboards or any similar equipment on to the courts.
Please put all litter in the bin.
Please treat the clubhouse and equipment with respect.
Bad language, offensive words and rudeness is not tolerated by the Club in any area and is not excused on court.
Adult members always have priority for using the courts.

3.2 Smoking

Please note that smoking is not allowed in the clubhouse or on the courts.

3.3 Safety and Hygiene

No crockery or glasses are allowed on court.

Players are advised not to chew gum when playing due to the risk of choking. Chewing gum is to be discarded in the bin.

3.4 Security and Valuables

The clubhouse must not be left open. Valuables should not be left in the clubhouse.

It is expected that all members and guests will respect the property of others.

Lost property left in the clubhouse or on the courts will be kept in the clubhouse for 12 months and then disposed of.


4.1 Footwear

Only recognised tennis shoes with flat soles are permitted. This is important to remember as other sports shoes may damage the surface of the courts.
The following shoes are not acceptable:
Football trainers
Cross trainers
Running shoes
Astro boots

Please refer to Footwear Guidance on the following page.

If in any doubt about whether your shoes are acceptable, or if you require further advice please discuss with one of the team captains, or committee members.

4.2 Footwear Guidelines

Footwear should have low profile tread pattern or shallow sole design.
Footwear with deep sole treads or designs with sharp treads such as trainers or shoes with any form of separate heel should not be used.

4.3 Clothing

Recognised tennis clothing should always be worn on court. Tops must be worn at all times when on court or in other public areas of the club.

Examples of unsuitable clothing includes:
Cycling shorts worn on their own
Jeans cut off shorts
Running vests


5.1 Courts

The club has two courts which are shale, they should not be played on if they are too wet. If they are too dry there is a hosepipe available to dampen the courts before use. The courts must be dragged after play, unless otherwise instructed by a club official. Players must drag the courts after play even if previous players failed to do so.

5.2 Floodlights

Floodlights are available until 10pm. There is a charge for using the floodlights, payment must be given to the Treasurer or one of the committee members. Charges are posted on the club notice board.
For safety reasons only members 18 and over are allowed to switch the lights on or off.

5.3 Clubhut

All members will be given a key to the club-hut on joining. This must never be copied or given to non-members. Members who are found to have copied a key or given to non-members may be suspended or have membership withdrawn.

Toilets are available in the club-hut. Please leave them in the condition you wish to find them.

5.4 Parking

Parking is available by the Memorial Hall and Social Club. Members are expected to show consideration to others when parking.


6.1 Categories
Adult (18 yrs and over)
Family – Two adults and children under 12 in the same family
Student – 18 – 25 in full-time education
Junior – 12 – 17 years
Child 1-11 years

Parents are responsible for the behaviour & safety of Junior & Child members at all times.

Junior & Child age groups apply to ages on the 1st January of the year of membership.
Under 12’s must be supervised by an appropriate adult member at all times.

Junior & Child members have no voting rights and their rights to use the facilities of the club may be restricted by the committee.

6.2 Subscriptions

The subscription year runs from 1st April to March. All subscriptions for existing members must be paid by the end of May or the membership will be deemed to have lapsed and the standard joining fee will be charged.
New members may join at any time but if membership commences after 1st October a reduced subscription may be charged at the discretion of the committee.

Playing guests must pay a guest fee


7.1 Responsibility

All visitors to the club must be signed into the visitor’s book and remain accompanied by a member for the duration of the visit.

7.2 Guest Fees

Playing guests must pay the appropriate visitor’s fee.

7.3 Visitor Frequency

Playing guests are limited to a maximum of 4 visits during the year.


Courts are booked using the LTA Clubspark booking system, the link and instructions can be found on the club website.
Adult members may use the courts at all times subject to matches and tournaments, and designated Club Sessions which always take precedence over individual play. There should always be information on the notice boards and website to alert members of any limitations to the use of the courts.

8.1 Club Sessions

A good way of meeting people and finding players of a similar standard is to come to the club sessions. These are held weekly as follows if there is sufficient demand:

Tuesday 19.30 – 22.00: Adults and team members only
Wednesday 18:30 – 21:00: Ladies only
Sunday 10.30 – 13.00 Adults drop in.
Tournament Fixtures take priority (Details available on website or clubhouse)

In all instances the designated groups have priority but members may utilise unused courts.

Players of all standards are welcome.


Coaching will be available on request.


Details of team selection, fixture lists and tournament opportunities are posted on the notice board in the clubhouse.

10.1 Teams

Wolverley tennis club has teams taking part in various leagues. Please contact the Captains if you are interested in playing for the club.

10.2 Tournaments

Details of all competitions will be posted on the club notice board


These are coordinated by the committee. Volunteers to assist in organising and promoting of these events are always welcome.

All club policies are available on the website.

Handbook updated May 2021 v4a